Friday, January 7, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving,  Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all!   It feels like it's been so long since i've written, so i'll try to remember some of the stuff that's gone on since then, by using the fine art of bullet points.
  •  The curriculum is about done, with the knowledge that it is a working curriculum. This means it'll be tested out at a few churches in the States, then we'll make necessary changes to it again.  But the main gist is done!  Woot!
  •  I haven't really "preached" yet, barring a couple of testimonies.  But these next two weeks it may actually happen, especially with the working curriculum being done.  
  • I was Santa Claus at the school for Christmas.  
  • I had thanksgiving with REAL Indians
  • Things haven't gone as planned, at all  You never will be able to get all your ducks in a row here, but i'm learning to adapt.  
  • Bollywood movies are fun.
  • Time is weird here.  I'm not sure if I've been in India for two weeks or two years.  
  • Because of Christmas break, I haven't seen the kids in three weeks, and there's only two weeks left until I leave.  
  • I like those kids.  All of them.  
  • Indian food has grown on me.  
  • I think I have a mullet
  • God sides with the poor.  He defends those who are helpless.  So I will do what I can to reflect Him in this for the rest of my life.  
I hope bullet points helped, because there's so many different feelings within me, so many happenings going on outside of me that it's hard to put in words right now.  I feel like I won't be able to process all of it until I come back.  Until I come back, though,  pray that God gives me the courage and the determination to follow the things I feel passionate about doing here-namely, investing in the relationships I have with the Indian people here and speaking God's word to the churches here in India.  I can't wait to come back and talk to a lot of you guys.  I miss your faces!

